All you can do is keep breathing
That's okay Big Grin

She had wondered if Garnet had been sticking around the lands or not, but either way was fine with her. Wolves could always use friends, and as long as she wasn't causing any trouble Naniko didn't mind her being there. She applied that rule to everyone, though, regardless of their background. So far, she hadn't heard about anything she was all right with having the female in and out of Crimson Dreams.

She raised her arm to wave at Garnet as she approached, Salem looking at the other dark creature with interest. "Yes! We were hoping to get some fishing in before it completely froze over--when that happens you have to dig a hole, and that takes some energy." Salem came a little closer to Garnet, looking up at her. "You goes fish wiv us?" His mother had told him all about fishing, and he was very interested in seeing how it was done.


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