shy away, shy away phantom
cakeI like cake. Smile Is DaVinci shifted or not?

'cause all i ever had,
cakeFrom the fog came a silver male, and with his appearance Bane drew his focus back into himself, allowing the instinct to fade. He sensed no danger, and he tasted nothing threatening in the air. This stranger was a hybrid, and Bane noted again that he carried that poignant pack scent. It reeked of confinement, of inflexibility, the return payment for loyalty. It was strange to Bane to see a halfling with no open wounds. Strange to see one living.

cakeLazily, as the halfling spoke, Bane drew his hand back from his bag, breathing deeply in the wet air. He looked like an easy target for anyone, broken leg in a splint, claw marks down his side, fresh blood in the air that was obviously his. Soon the pills would be working in his blood, and he was tired, worn from the fight. Looks were deceiving; Bane had killed men in worse condition than this.

cake"If I were, it would be long gone by now," Bane replied. The thin smile had faded to nothing. His expression was neutral. He was starting to feel that wonderful fire. In the meantime, he listened, keeping it short. "Bane. What happened to it?" It was obvious what he was alluding to. Even if DaVinci hadn't mentioned the old pack, the acrid smell of ash clinging to the black wolf, mixing with the blood and adrenaline, would have given it up.

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