I'm PINK and black and blue for you

She wasn't quite sure if that was the right word, cloak, but that was what she was looking for. Was Ryan even able to make those kinds of things? Or maybe that would be too much to ask, for what she had to give her in return. Ember kept quiet for a moment, thinking, then nodded. "I was thinking about a cloak, maybe? I don't know how hard those are to make, though...and I don't have a lot of useful things to offer you in return. But once I get to the city I might have more."

"And those two look absolutely perfect together. It's kind of neat..to get those shades. I'm black, and then gray and white. Maybe I'm just silly, though, thinking that way." Those were colors that she thought might look good on her. Or maybe green, too. Because her eyes were green. She wasn't sure. Ryan probably knew a lot more about this than she did, and she didn't want to open her mouth and risk saying something wrong.


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