we all feed on tragedy

cakeMind if this is set on the 20th?

'cause all i ever had,
cakeOpposable thumbs and ingenuity kept the black wolf alive, as it had in the past, as it would in the future. Even with his under-par eyesight. He had been through worse and would not become mad with starvation like the cougar had some nights ago. Death came to those who were too weak to avoid it. That wasn't to say he wasn't hungry -- his stomach growled at him and he answered it finally after the haze of the past day wore off. Sometimes an absence of everything was a better reality than reality itself.

cakeHe set a steel trap and slept off the demons. When he awoke to a bright sunrise the following morning, a rabbit was caught in the teeth. The wolf quickly broke its neck and limped back to camp with his prize. It had been three days since he had eaten - or was it five? Bane didn't remember - and he felt weak. The coal-black wolf had to focus to control the shaking in his hands. Maybe it was the lack of food, maybe it was the lack of narcotics. Semantics, the doctor thought, grinning briefly, mirthlessly, to himself.

cakeThe fire he had started in his haze the night before had dwindled down a bit and he stoked it as he prepared his meal. His butterfly knife served the dual purpose of a skinning knife as well as a weapon, and he was careful with the rabbit hide, figuring that there may be a trade system around here for fur or other goods. Something as common as rabbit wouldn't be worth much, but it was a start. Balancing his broken leg awkwardly in front of him, the dark werewolf impaled his meal on a stick let it sit over the fire. If he had less self-restraint, he would have eaten it raw.

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