cozy autumn night
He had not been back long enough to remember to be reserved and guarded. The gentle grey male return her nuzzle with the tender in one of his own. Having spent time back north with his birth pack, Noel was a little more open than he usually was. They were a bunch of very open and loving characters. It had been hard for him to leave them behind, especially knowing that he might never see some them again but being the character that he was he couldn't just leave his son and give up on the boy. Finding a reformed Lucifer had been somewhat of a shock but considering Noah had left his family behind for what could be the last time, Noah was glad of the change. He finally had a son that he could talk with and was respected by. He only wished he had done a better job of raising the boy and having spared both of log a lot of pain and trouble.

Although he did not recoil from the puppy his eyes scrunched and watered slightly. For a blinding moment all he could see was white and all he could think was "ow ow ow ow ow!" His nose had always been his most sensitive feature and she had nailed him squarely. How wasn't that tiny females always got the better of him? It was all his sister's fualt. He wasn't sure how it was her fault. He could almost hear her laughter bubbling through his mind as he tried to regain some dignity. Yup, it was all her fault.

Instead of pulling away he sighed a great sigh through his nostrils to blow at her fur and flicked out his tongue the tiniest of bits and gave her a gentle lick. Her mother's suggestion that she liked him made him smile but he lowered his head even further to hide it.

At last, he stirred a kink in his neck and was forced to raise his head.

"There's not much ta settle," he said with a small shrug. The fire had destroyed everything he owned but he was sure everybody was in the same situation so that was no use bellyaching over something he couldn't change.

"Da lad came ta visit," he said simply but it meant so much more. It meant they were finally getting along and that old wounds were healing. All in all Lucifer's visit had left Noah in good spirits. He just wished the boy wooden frets about him so much. It may him feel old.

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