lie and smile to get what's mine

indent The specifics of time and days fell by the wayside. Gabriel judged these things by the sun and the moon, by the weight of days in his bones. How long had it been since he had been leading Inferni? Before the fire, after his mother vanished. How long since he had seen his wife and children? Weeks, perhaps. Months. Long enough. Both eyes turned up from the fire, focused on his companion, and he chewed on the woods. Gabriel was not good with stories, not eloquent with his words as his father had been.
indent He would try, though. “We used to live over the mountain,” he began, and looked back into the flames. “On a beach with white sand. The sun would rise out of the sea each morning and vanish behind these mountains at night. It was a savage land,” he added, then paused, wondering where he was going. Frowning, he met the dark man’s gaze again.
“I’m sorry; I’m not really a story teller.”


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