lie and smile to get what's mine

indent There was no justification in Gabriel for returning home. The only things that held reason, held any permissible cause, were in a realm that he alone lived in. God did not speak to the weak-minded and the unjust. That much was in His Will, and though Gabriel could never claim to understand it (nor would he) he obeyed that Voice and that Command just the same.

indent A slight gesture suggested that Bane was correct in his assumption. Inferni had been his badge for so long he often forgot that in many respects he could be mistaken for a wolf. Desperately, Gabriel tried to recall his companion’s mother, found her face, and saw it soon joined by another. He frowned.
“No. I don’t remember how long ago she passed, but I believe it was before the fire.” These trifle dates and periods of time were fleeting, and though Phasma had been sympathetic to Inferni, he had not forgotten she had come from the pack his mother had laid to waste. The pack he had aided his mother in lying to waste.
indent “Is that why you came here?” Nothing in his tone suggested the suspicion that even now clung to his pelt like the dead leaves and dust.


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