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Operasjonen jekk fint, så eg e allerede heima og planlegge å reisa på mandag Smile Tenke me slutte her åsså kan eg laga nye når eg får tid? Så kan me hiva inn den derre fiolinen å di.

Of course she did not know, no one knew, except for Cer, which had shut her mouth as well about the truth. He was almost impressed by the Dahlia Empress, because he knew very well how important Coli had been to her. The two girls had grown up together, and they had shared everything. Haku just had to destroy it. The male watched Mew with a calm that was just an illusion. He knew she would hunger for more details, but it seemed she managed to control herself and give him shelter. They had unwritten rules between them, and Mew always kept at his pace when there were things that made even him slightly uncomfortable. Shit happens she said, and she was right. Only that this time he could not run away from it, and he was a trapped beast, one of the most dangerous kinds. Heh, yeah. He gave a short nod and let the edges of his lips pull up a bit to form a faint smile, but it was nothing but the obvious fake smile. Nothing else could be expected from him today. I’ll see you later, sister. He was amazing with his exit cues, but she was very well aware of that too. They both had a bit to think about, and should do so on their own. It was what Haku preferred anyways, so his body turned forty-five degrees and he started to walk away.


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