Guided by a Voice

Cottontail Valley

Violet eyes squinted as she licked the cold ice off the blade of grass. It didn’t taste like the water she got from the lake, even though she was told that ice was just really hard water. There were many times where she didn’t believe the things she was told. How could all those things be true? How could there be rain so big that its clumps atop the ground, and the sky had to be blue for a better reason then, its just blue? The answers she was getting for the millions of questions she had were not satisfying, and increased the young pups urge to wander and discover them for herself.

Still too frightened of leaving the pack lands after her brief experiences, she found herself in familiar territory. Large paws crushed the frozen grasses, listening to them crumble beneath her weight. Her feet were still far too big, and she was sure that she would never be pleased with them, but they did a decent job of grasses squashing. Looking behind her, her eyes could follow the trail her footfalls had made in the frost. A smile appeared on her face, stretching across her mouth as she discovered the new talent. With a burst of energy she ran in small circles, growing larger at each turn.

Stopping suddenly she was forced to close her eyes to prevent herself from falling. A dizzy head regained control of her thoughts enough that she was able to look down and see the large circle of flattened grass she had made in the meadow. It took five large, stretching as wide as her legs would go, steps to travel from end to end. It was a masterpiece, built right into the valley, for all to see.


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