and i know that i'm no king
Always a few steps behind her, he managed getting through the snow okay without any complaints. At least sound ones, that was. But before he knew it and just his like mother said, the fox kit's den was nearby and it was deposited off, much to his relief. As they turned and headed back the way they came, he made more of an effort to keep up, hoping that on some random whim that his mother would pick him up eventually. But that was abandoned relatively easily when she mentioned playing a game.

Making a sound that sounded something like “uh-huh!” he bounded ahead of her a bit, only to fall back in stride with her. He liked games, regardless of whether or not they made him tired. Everything made Salem tired at that point, just because he was young. Getting from the den to the house after a new snow was tiring enough for him, especially when the drifts were starting to get taller than he was in a few places. Disappearing beneath that snow was quite scary, especially when it had happened to him a couple of times when he was utterly alone.

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