Joining ^^
Character Name: Catherine Joily
Character Birthdate: 13/04/2007
Wolf/Luperci: Luperci Verto
Specie: Canis Lupus Lycaon Verto (Eastern Wolf)
Gender: Female
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Midnight. The only spark of life in the darkness of this new moon night was a lonely owl, a few crickets... and something big was moving behind some bushes.
Hiding from the chilly breeze, curling into a ball for bed, Catherine started to sob, thinking about her mother. And the last memory of her, falling in the ground, the throat spilling gallons of her blood, her eyes wide opened, in a deadly surprise and agony... A solitary tear rolled from Catherine's eyes. What was she going to do? Where to go? Which way to take?!
In those few weeks of excruciating solitude, she had learned very much. But what disturbed her the most was the fact that she was a werewolf now. How? Her theory was that when she swallowed Armand's blood, the Luperci virus passed to her, changing to a Luperci too. Since she was born a common wolf and grown up like such, and her first shift was among a week before she killed him, it's gotta be that.
She looked at her Optime-self, the form she got more used. She never felt the need to use her Secui form. First, anything too big crossed her way and challenged her. And second, she just hated that form, because Armand killed her mother in that form, and it kinda' shocked her-
All of a sudden, something - or someone - moved behind some bushes in front of her. She didn't go there to see what was behind it - last time she did it, a wolf was killed. She took an offensive position: anything that came out of that bush, would be warned. But, in spite of an enemy, it was just a little, young doe. A perfect meal for Catherine: she didn't eat anything since that tragic day, but she was too weak to take down such a healthy and young doe. "I guess I'll keep hunting the squirrels..." - she thought with herself.
So, she let the doe follow it's way, and she curled into a ball once again to sleep... she dreamed a confuse, thoughtful dream: a dream about which patch of her life she should choose: the safe, secure patch of a pack, the independent, free patch of a loner... and even the serene, lovely and tempting patch of finding a mate.

(Hope it's okay now ^^')

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