
we prey as wolves among the sheep
and slit the necks of soldiers while they sleep

If he were to climb higher still north, he would discover the blackened side of the mountain – remnants of the fire that had seemingly claimed his own mother’s life and marked the beginning of his. Instead, Apollo hung lower on Halcyon – just north of the Waste. Here, the snow had started to collect, though in still relatively small quantities. It didn’t feel as if it was really December, but Apollo didn’t know to expect any different. This would be his first winter after all.

He had abandoned his bag along Drifter Bay where he knew he would be returning fairly soon. His jeans clung tight to his legs, and the black handle protruding from his front pocket indicated that Apollo had slipped the knife inside for easy access. For now, the youth lingered on a fallen log, pushing the silver bangs from his mismatched eyes as he watched the clouds move in over head and block out the sun.


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