whispers on the wind
He had waited long for Alexey's return and yet here in the beginning of the snowy season she still mysteriously was missing. Sankor had been dishearted to learn that she'd gone off in search of him while he'd returned, just slipping through the cracks and missing one another by mere days. He sat on the beach near Dahlia de Mai's lands staring across the partly frozen bay as the winds buffered his thick mahogany pelt and gave him a rather fluffier bear like appearance than normal. His ears flicked back against his skull the male's mind was off on thoughts of what the next step was.

Locially he believed that since Alexey had found happiness in the pack, except for her missing siblings, he believed.. that perhaps it was time for the rest of the clan to settle down. The only problem was to convince his near mirror image sister who had no love for the world of the changlings within the pack. He'd met some of the packmembers and had found nothing wrong with them, each held their own personality and mind, not all were friendly all the time, but he didn't hold it against them, Sankor never did. Instead he just sat there upon the outskirts of their lands and plotted and ployed on what in the world he was to do.

His challege was a smaller framed sibling with a headstrong outlook on the world.. as patient and placid as he could be it might be the challege of his very life.

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