you're yesterday's child to me
It seemed suddenly that the two were not alone as she heard the slam of the door behind the hybrid, her ears turned towards him as she rose shakily to her legs again and tried to start up to make her escape from the lawman. Too late it seemed as she heard his voice and felt the touch of the blanket across her back and the steady hand on the small of her back. She would have snarled if she hadn't known who it was, instead she turned those ruined orbs to glare at the male as he began to force her to turn off her path and towards the damnable farmhouse. She hadn't wanted to go to the house, she'd wanted to go to the barn, to be away from them all. She was tired of being coddled and cooed over. She wasn't going to get and better and she knew it. Iskata might not be fine with the fact but she had to deal. "Jefferson, I'm not dead yet.." she said icily as she gave in, not like she would have been aloud otherwise and followed the pressure of his hand as she was led tail between her legs back to the comforts and warmths of security.

She knew that he probably had berated Skylar as well so she figured she might as well get her licks in before he dug in as well. "Don't you dare blame her either.. " she growled. Skylar was atleast kind enough not to argue with the woman while everyone else treated her like she was a baby who didn't understand the rules. Damn it she was still the Matriarch and she had duties to perform. When he'd settled her down beside the fire she stared into the flames unseeing as though they could steal her soul away. The words he asked seemed distant as she was quiet for so long it was like she hadn't heard what he had asked, yet she was just thinking. "I was doing what is expected of me.." she said frankly. She figured that he wouldn't really care whatever the excuse she gave him, he knew it was just that, a stupid excuse.

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