you're yesterday's child to me
The scent of Jefferson was all around her, and though she could tell by sound exactly where he was she still knew she would never feel that was enough. Iskata stood there with her eyes closed, knowing it didn't matter anymore if they were open or shut it was all the same, except for the once more gruff voice of Jefferson there was little in her world at the moment it was alright because the words he'd give her was all that was on her mind. "I just.. want to figure out where I belong now.." she whispered softly.

The woman turned her face away, her breath rapid as she tried to get her emotions under control ago once more. Swollowing hard she tried again, to explain, to find the words, but all there was was leftovers. "..or how I belong." She shook her head as she sighed. Turning her face towards the frame of the male she gave him the words again that she'd never spoken but were obviously true. "You're more of a friend than I deserve Jefferson." While she could expect her children to be upset at what had happened to her the gruff male didn't have to show emotion one way or another.. and yet he had. He'd shared something with her that obviously no one else had yet been given and it touched her. She knew that emotion was wasted on the male but she'd still let the words fall.

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