you're yesterday's child to me
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He knew she had taken what he'd said to heart, and he knew he hadn't been required to be so forward and blunt with her, but had done so anyway. Needless to say, Jefferson had slowly begun to care, and although he didn't want it to, it had started to make something of an impact on him. He could see himself in her, sort of wallowing and dying away in their own misery... Jefferson hadn't been consciously miserable when he'd been alone. He hadn't know anything more than life as a loner, living like killing and feasting were all that life was meant for. The brute hadn't known companionship, friendship, dependence... he'd never thought of anything more than being by his lonesome. He'd been fine. The cyclops could have deserted everything he knew and had now grown accustomed to in Phoenix Valley to return to those days wandering the grounds alone, if he'd wanted to. Somehow, he didn't. Somehow, faces like Iskata's had kept him there... and now that she was miserable and blind, he didn't know what to think of himself or her. Of Phoenix Valley.

"You wouldn't go anywhere but here," he remarked, eye focused into the distance opened up by the window. It was... far too cold outside that day. "Your heart's here, even if your vision's not. Just shut up about belonging." His voice grew so frustrated all of a sudden, though it remained in its calmer down. A sudden pain possessed it, as if continuing the conversation was slowly becoming more and more a lost cause. He... already knew that. "Stop telling me everything's different. You lost your eyesight and got a couple scratches on your face. I lost one eye and a leg, goddamnit. I'm still alive." He inhaled deeply all of a sudden, releasing tension on its exhale. Was he a friend? He didn't know. She'd done far more than he. "You're the one who let me stay," he said quietly.


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