you're yesterday's child to me
We should end this soon. D:

"Yes," he replied defiantly. The sins he'd experienced, even those he didn't remember from before the initial amnesia when he'd first woken back up bruised and bleeding, were bore on his skin. It was like an angry painter's work, throwing his paint on the canvas and accepting it wherever it fell. The scars were countless; some deep, some dark, some thin, some thick. Some carried a personal burden to him, others he had never stopped to notice. There were so many that Jefferson just considered himself a monster without a purpose, without any knowledge of what he'd done. He was like a Godzilla with Alzheimer's: he'd done a lot of shit, hurt a lot of people, messed a lot of crap up, but hell if he remembered it. He was living blissfully ignorant, although the bliss ran thin. "The scars are reminders. I don't know what the hell I did to get most of them, but all I know is that I don't want to do it again." He scowled. "No one with all these scars should be alive. I got lucky somehow." For all he knew, there were angry creatures still after him for revenge.

"I'm not weighed down," he lied. He couldn't even tell if he was anymore; stress from the pack and the like had kept him so busy that his personal life had been thrown on the backburner and left to rot. "It was hard once. I've gotten past that. Grown up, maybe." How much older could he get? He was old enough already. Old and crusty... and full of scars. "You've listened more than anyone else," he smirked, now turning his green eye pack to her. There was a smile even in his voice. "Helped me with my family and everything. You can't belittle yourself knowing that."


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