The Long Nights
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Private: Haku. Ethereal Eclipse and Serena Reserve boarder. Foredated: December 12.
I hope that snow is okay. And I suppose that this is more of an intimate thread, if that’s okay... It just turned out that way after I wrote it, hahah... ^=^;;

Cwmfen had reached her maturity, the beginning of her prime years. Where before she was merely a female, now she was a woman. Quietly, softly, she had left the boarders of Dahlia de Mai far behind, traveling in the darkness and safety of the forest. The shadows behaved as living things, slipping behind and beneath the foliage of the woods as the female strode by. They watched from their shelters with eyes unseen, and yet seeing more than what was apparently present. Whispering in the silent night, the shades pulsed with a frigidity transcending all other temperatures. Ethereal Eclipse yielded a biting cold, a cold so gelid that it penetrated even the thickest of coats. Yet, this place seemed most suited for her purpose, and she swallowed her discomfort silently, continuing her journey—physical and spiritual—into the dark of the deep forest.

A clearing. She could smell the change in the air—fresher, crisper, and yet... almost warmer. Black, woad-marked paws carried her silently through the forest, as elusive as the shadows themselves. Silent and swift, she was as the warrior she was meant to be. The white orbs peered through the trees, finding the light of the moon breaking through the darkness as the waves break upon the ocean’s sand. The black wolf, marked with the swirling woad of power and protection, ascended the slope of the forest, climbing to the open skies. There, having risen, was the moon, full and aware as it stared down, illuminating the dark secrets of the world. Similarly white orbs returned the gaze, a gaze filled with respect for this being of the gods. The black fae wondered if her gods would answer, if she would be permitted to complete this stage of her life. Anticipation.... Fear. And she began to shift, taking on the form of the luperci. The change was quicker now, urged by her elevated emotions, and it was smooth, and comfortable.

Having shifted, the female lay upon the cold earth, panting slightly for the effort. Then she rose, her ascension fluid, and the young woman found herself gazing upon the sky once more. Her lifted maw parted, releasing a song of calling, of Ceremony. The silver, alto tones rose to the heavens, calling, urging the gods to see, to aid in the journey she must make—

The howl ended abruptly, and the black crania turned sharply. There was something in the darkness. An invisible hand urged her forward, to pursue the creature in the shadows. Suddenly, there was no hesitancy, only a need to pursue it. Swiftly, she slipped into the shadows of the night, running on silent feet through the forest. Her movements were effortless, and a strange exhilaration spread through her, white hot and urgent. The strange sensation seeped through her, something foreign and yet familiar, pushing her forward deeper and deeper into the woods. She stopped abruptly, finding herself at the edge of a pool. The wild pounding of her heart seemed to echo in her mind, resonating through her body and shaking the earth about her, each ripple extending to the far reaches of the pool. The white orbs stared curiously at the water, the moon’s reflected light playing on her features. The urge was deep within her now, like some frantic need. She felt it in her gut. She felt it between her legs....

Suddenly, she found herself slipping into the silver-lit pool. The water shocked her mind and body, but somehow the woad-marked female ignored it. The pool was deep, and as she proceeded to its center, her legs no longer found the bottom. She floated in its center, closer to the gods now, for the water was their realm. The cold seeped into her swiftly, working against her body, but she was calm, and there was a strange certainty.

“Listen, my child.”

Cwmfen gasped. A soft sound.

“I am the voice of your history. Be not afraid, come follow me. Answer my call, and I'll set you free.”

The voice was all about her. It was a voice vaguely familiar, an ageless, genderless sound. She listened, then, and suddenly the fae felt that she knew all things. She knew her origin, the reason for her father’s obsession with her, why her mother had to die, and why she was here. She knew what was required of her, and she knew what must come next. And then the voice was gone from her, and she was alone in the gelid pool. The black female remained where she was for a few moments longer before returning to the rocks surrounding the pool. Climbing out, she ascended the stair-like formations, and the full cold of winter world was pressed upon her. The snow fell slowly about her, whispering quietly of all things. And the cold, a sharp, unforgiving entity, urged her to do what must come.

As if by fate, she heard the approach of another. Turning, the female snarled quietly, baring her teeth in the direction of he who approached, displaying an irrational rage and wild ferocity.

She was truly a wild creature.


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