intelligence lies in the oddest of places,
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The nerve of some creatures, he thought. Shameless, no respect... He resisted the urge to damn them for being kids, but he wasn't that old. Four and a half wasn't that old, was it? Well, he certainly hoped not, but regardless of the concept, his vision of the younger folk were that they were reckless, they didn't know what they were doing, they didn't know how to show respect. He stared after the gray-hued female as she sort of skipped her away around him, apologized a couple times, and sort of still accompanied him, from a distance. He could have turned around, could have gone back where he'd come from, but it seemed she was just as stubborn as he. It was somewhat rare that he was... evenly matched.

He was a little curious, a little concerned why she had no regard for her elders or her leader, but he cared very little for any of that. Jefferson had just wanted to be left alone. "You don't have any scars," he found himself say matter-of-factly, as if he didn't believe it. If she was as stubborn as he was, she might've had a couple here and there--no missing eyes or gimped legs, of course, because their causes had nothing to do with stupidity or stubbornness.


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