intelligence lies in the oddest of places,
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Allegro sighed. Some people were impossible. She knew that this wolf probably acted differently around different people and she just happened to get a taste of his more... angered side. Or maybe he always was a bit angry. She chose her thoughts carefully, trying not to think anything that she would regret. Maybe Allegro just saw the flaws in people. Or maybe she wasn't the nice, friendly person she thought she was. Either way, this wolf and herself were both stubborn. They had something in common, at least.

Listening to his words, Allegro thought about what he had meant. Her 'scar' was simply a line; it meant nothing. She understood that, yes, yet she didn't want to. She didn't want to be a boring, naive innocent little wolf. Oh, that was a bit of a nightmare for the young Loas. Allegro wanted to be someone young pups should look up to, someone strong and couragous. She didn't need to be important; just strong.

Allegro knew that was impossible. Besides, what did scars have to do with making her feel this way? Scars were signs of memories that people would rather not remember. She was a weakling; something that pups would beat up and laugh at rather then want to meet. I bet a newborn pup could kill me if it wanted to, Allegro thought, raising her eyebrows momentarily. But I guess it wouldn't want to waste its energy on something so useless like me. Allegro guessed she was being hard on herself, but she didn't care. She thought it made her tough and if she couldn't be tough, she at least wanted to think she was.

Looking at the wolf's scowl, Allegro was shaken back into reality. "Save me the trouble," She began, stepping in front of him. "And why don't you tell me what a scar is? I know this... cut is nothing but a line in your eyes, but it's the only thing I can relate back to," Allegro began off with a bit of a bitchy attitude, but gradually became more serious and into what she was saying. It was true. All of it.


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