where there was once nothing

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... -eagle.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:bottom;">
muhaha. given up, had you?

The snow that covered the pack lands' meadows and fields these days was pretty, but could be a nuisance. The horses they had brought with them tended to reproduce at the most stupid of times (the owners should do better at keeping the genders apart, really), causing babies to be born during the more hostile of seasons. And with it came the extra workload, for every horse was valuable despite the fact that it should have come in summer. The poor little ones - there were two - were warming themselves in a cottage Dawali'd set up a good deal of distance away from here in the comfort and protection of a cluster of trees, but that wasn't the major problem. Their mothers were lazy, tired, and one of them were ill, and so they couldn't get any proper food themselves. Thus, the little ones would die. And then there were the half-grown ones who couldn't get to the grass beneath the snow simply because they didn't have the know-how. So someone had to go fetch grass. And here he was. Normally they'd have stocks, but they were new here and hadn't gotten around to starting and crops or anything, so he was shuffling snow and cutting frozen grass. It wasn't quite as tasty as the food they'd normally get, but at least it was food. Too bad the bastards ate so much. Sighing at his workload, and how he had already spent a good hour and the pile he had gathered wasn't even enough for one horsie mum, he took a step back and simply looked at his meager results. So preoccupied with his pile of horse food, he did not notice the female standing along the fence a good distance away from him. Her fur did stand out against all the white, and any other day he would have spotted her, but not this time. Disappointed in himself and disapproving of this task, Dawali threw the shovel into the snow next to him and put his behind onto the snow in a rather violent manner. Break time. Or sulk time. Or both.


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