No place like home

The information was absorbed and stored away for later. Though DaWali claimed they were one big family Leland wasn’t sure he was quite ready to accept that. It was a nice idea, one he hoped to adopt in time, but presently he only knew the male before him and the man’s daughter. He would meet the others, in time, he only hoped that they would be as accepting as the Amaras seemed to be. “Aye, I can shift… though ridin’ a horse might be a diff-o-rent type of story.” Leland couldn’t quite imagined himself climbing atop one of the creatures he had seen with Asha, but anything was possible, and for DaWali and Asha he would attempted it.

“Err... Well I dun’t quite know jus’ what I want to do yet.. though I’m sure I’ll be doin’ somethin’ fer the pack. Perhaps where there is most need ah’ll pick up a title.” Yes, fill in the blanks, Leland could do that, if he didn’t quite find his passion here, he’d be happy enough. “You folks live in dens er somethin’ else?” He had an itching feeling that they built their homes, but he wanted confirmation on that subject, and something else, though he felt the nervousness build as he opened his mouth to ask. “Asha is still with ya, inn’t she?”


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