your cold day in the sun
They don't tell you what to say
when your whole life has gone to hell.

Ryan gulped down hard on the air she had trapped in her mouth. DaVinci’s presence next to her gave her some reassurance, but she was still frightened how she would be received. His words came as a surprise, but she gripped his hand a little tighter and leaned into his frame some. A part of the family… she liked that. Especially since now she didn’t feel as if she had much of one.

She was afraid to answer Iskata’s question, but she knew that she must. Quietly, she responded, "de le Poer," unsure whether or not that was a good thing. She thought about adding her father’s name, but was too afraid it had the potential to make things worse. So instead, she kept her mouth shut and listened as the woman continued talking. Her words seemed dark and Ryan was afraid that they meant she wouldn’t approve of their relationship. They were partially true, though, even if Ryan didn’t want to admit it. She wouldn’t leave Inferni. It was her home.


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