your cold day in the sun
His words rang in her head, causing her to want to snap out at him for even demanding of her what to do or say, yet she knew she'd been the one to ask him just what he'd wanted. She bared her fangs slightly at his words as she bristled. She was trapped in her own home and forced to listen to the words of her half feral son with a temper and stubborn will to match her own. If she'd taken the time to think about what he was saying she'd realize just how much the discussion sounded like one she'd had so long ago before she'd thrown herself into the biggest mistake of her life.. and yet the best moments of her life as well. Perhaps seeing too much of herself in her son was what moved her to such cruel ways.

She'd been about to lash out once more at the male when he struck first, she'd ignored the words of the woman at his side, hoping that she would leave but it seemed that DaVinci wasn't through. When the cold hard truth of how she was acting was thrust back in her face she snarled at the male and lunged from the spot she lay, knowing that they were too far off to actually do any damage but he'd hit a nerve on the woman and she couldn't stop herself before responding.

The motions of the two turning to leave weren't caught by her but the sounds as they exited were. It seemed moments later that the younger Sadira children were to follow, leaving her alone with the truth of what she had become brought to her at the hands of the child she'd once wronged and yet once more she'd done him just the same.. but thistime he'd been able to fight back and he had. She lay her head down on her paws as the loneliness sank in around her, tired, beated and shamed at what she'd become.

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