watch the temple topple over

i'm just a boat on the ocean
cakeAs the dark wolf walked, he left large footprints in the freshly fallen snow, footprints that would be as fleeting as the human race may as well have been. It was a classic winter night, moonlight breaking dully through the cloudy sky, all sounds blanketed under the snow that fell lightly and covered up Bane's tracks. The old buildings that rose to the sky left strange shadows in their wake, and the quiet was almost deafening. He had never seen Halifax. This had been one of his primary destination points once the leg had healed. And it had healed, as had the wounds, leaving nothing but faint scars beneath his thick, black winter coat.

cakeSome of the signs on the buildings that lined the old street were readable, and Bane scanned them as he walked. Human cities were a treasure trove of invaluable artifacts and items, and on his back was his hiking pack, ready to be filled with supplies. There were some things the doctor could simply not live without. Turning down a dark alley, he stepped carefully over a snowless patch of concrete, avoiding the glass that scattered the ground there. The window of one of the buildings was broken open, and inside were shelves with rows of bottles, and square cases packed atop of each other. Ducking to avoid the top of the doorframe, the large werewolf stepped inside the liquor store, smiling inwardly as he righted himself again. Tomorrow he would find the medical supplies. But now he had time to waste.

cakeSome things were more important than others.


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