and in your head there are no sunsets left
The silver and gold woman nodded her head slightly at the words that the male made, her sightless eyes lowered as she admitted it all. "You and Tsunami were swept out to sea.." He knew that of course, why was she repeating things he already knew. She swollowed the memories as she tried to continue on with their stroll, feeling the soft touch of Skylar next to her as she turned towards the voice of Bane. "Your mother was one of my best friends.." she said softly, one of the sure regrets she would ever admit to was the fact that she'd never been there when Phasma needed her. Iskata had always been off saving the day, making things right and generally keeping busy and watching over her family. So carried away with her blood family she'd forgotten the special bond between the few woman she'd known so closely.

She slowed as she said softly. "She died before the fires.." her face turned away as she stumbled over the next words. "I should have been with her.." Phasma had always been there for her and Iskata had tried to do right by the dark hued woman.. yet she'd never been good enough to her friends, she'd never given them the devotion and loyalty they needed when they needed it most. She'd carried the guilt along forever and yet she knew she'd never be free of the burden because unlike her, they were all gone now. No one to forgive her, not even ghosts on the winds.

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