there is comfort in my dark seat

Forgive the badness. Tranquil Springs!

Without a sound.

The leatherbound book fell from her hands, and landed, pages open to any old chapter, at the water's edge. Above, the stars glittered like jewels in a dark mine. Ilmen was bright that night as she stood among the tranquil springs, the smooth surface of the waters reflecting the clear sky above. It was a sight indeed.
Bending over to rescue the book from the cold water slowly seeping its way into the paper, Lith shook her head absently. The gray woman had been intent on the stars, taking note of the constellations, and the bright individuals that had names of their own. She had been so concentrated, so fascinated, that the book had slipped from her grip. It was a human book, taken from a human city she had come across in her travels. Along the pages, she had blotted out names here and there, replacing them with others in red ink. They were names her people had used, that had been used for generations. The names that Elbereth gave the stars.
Flipping back to the page she had previously been looking upon, the coyote began muttering as she identified the innumerable mass above. The night was clear, and she gave thanks for that, silently. For the last few days, clouds had blotted Ilmen, concealing the outer space. Even Anar could scarcely penetrate the thick blanket hovering over their heads. Pausing in her recital, the lady sighed. But what was the point? Dropping the tattered book again, she sat indian-style, and folded her arms. One could go out counting the stars forever, but would never get anywhere. The bright mark of Elbereth was quite visible by the way she sat, and she stared down at it with a frown. Her blue eyes, one corrupted with yellow, blinked slowly, drowsily. And so Lith sat in that pensieve state.


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