there is comfort in my dark seat
A very big apology, for the tardiness. This won't keep happening, but I feel I may jinx it if I promise more prompt responses. Seems every time I do, I get a reality bodyslam. xD; And thank you so much. Lith is absolutely breath taking. I was drooling over your descriptions of her in her profile! Though, Luz might have just scared her off. Anyways. Again, many sorries for my total untogetherness in this thread. On to the actual post!

She could lick such sensation from a look! Yet there are few who undergo approving observation without some pleasure-flick – especially when offering equal approval. Luz Cresceno caught the glance at the opal-necklace with forefinger and thumb; it made delight do strange things (like cartwheels) along her backbone hills. Normally her gaze would have made shameless treks up and along the more scenic routes of her companion’s body – from hip-curve to neck’s secrecy and that little shade that skirted collarbones, and then a swan-dive towards southern counties – yet now they’d been snared in strange, and not ill-favored, irises.

Her position was one of great assumption. She’d been attacked by a coyote before; there were scar-puckers to prove it, though their discovery would come with only the most intimate encounters, for she’d mended with unexpected speed and satisfaction. However, despite this inspiration for caution, Luz lounged. With the majority of her weight on her arms, and her head tilted only slightly downwards to compensate for the variance in heights between the two creatures, she’d bent and folded her legs in a travesty of virginity – the way the merchants’ daughters posed as concubines in bad paintings – complete with angles all-wrong with crude invitation. One toe touched dark waters; the rest was perfectly at home amid the grass and moonlight, and good company. (All this, and still her heart felt as if ripped in twain!)

The astronomer had assumed this bad array before hearing the question. Now, arranged thus, she tilted her head towards her shoulder, eyes closed, as if this hid the bare-bones of a smile. “Pilgrim,” she said aloud, before resuming the most recent composition of chin, face, shoulders and neck. “I’m not on my way towards any holy-land tonight, my friend,” she said, with the lightest lift of the brows, “having settled for roadside attractions far too long ago.” A serrated smile. “But I’m Luz. Enchanté.” Her head tilted towards the right, investing (with attention serving as currency) the majority of her stare in the mismatch eye-pair, but also throwing a few coins to lips, ears, the brow-arcs. “What is your name?

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