light your match and smoke it up
When he acknowledged her, she took notice of his red eyes and almost frowned. It bothered her on a superficial level to see such an uncommon colour turn up, especially when she associated with it certain people. But she had see it many times and often wondered what it was that had made them come out so boldly. Maybe it was a marker of something, but whatever it was, she hadn't the faintest idea. That aside, this stranger had a deep, rich voice that was not taint from years of smoking or strain. Nothing said he was sick, at least from the once-over she gave him as he spoke.

“Depends on who wants to know,” she said, leaning against one of the tall posts and folding her arms. “But first I'd rather know what bought you here of all places. I don't know too many who would sit patiently in the cold just to look at this.” What's your name and why are you here, that was probably the most boring way to get to know someone and to decide whether or not they were just being nosy or if they were looking for refuge. But she couldn't really think of too many other reasons he was sitting there, unless he was just a few cards short of a full deck. Always a possibility.

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