She's waiting like an iceburg

Arkham's love of Inferni had, perhaps, been bred into him to some degree. But regardless, he had been born by the sea and absolutely hated the thought of ever having to wake up without hearing the waves nearby. He didn't like the air without the salty breeze and preferred the sand to snow, though he would admit that dirt was softer and more comfortable to walk on than either. He loved the sunsets over the oceans and the sunrises over the mountains. He loved the sound of seagulls, especially when they were being chased away from a carcass, washed up on shore. And he loved the sight of the house on the horizon, even if it had been stolen from someone else. And he cared about his family, even if it was already scattered and broken and had been since long before he was born.

It had never occured to him to ever leave, but his sister made staying hard sometimes. I don't belong in Clouded Tears, he told the woman evenly. I don't think my dad really wants to deal with us anyway. The pup paused to wander over to one of the fishes. Do your parents live there?

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