that's the hardest part
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He freaked out because he is native Russian, and she is not. He can tell the difference if Russian is someone's first or second language. He takes his tongue and birthplace at heart, as you can see. XD


He was not a superstitious creature, and his demeanor spoke nothing for magic or miracles. Nikolai was incredibly down-to-earth, this was true, and thus his belief in unbelievable or unconfirmed things ran low and thin. He was skeptical, and he knew it. His scowl thickened when she blurted something in his language--such a dirty, terrible accent there in its musical subtext, it made the words sound so ugly and blurred--and when she sent a headlong stare at the bird that was following her around and sending the grayscale-furred cartographer death glares, Nikolai rolled his duel-colored eyes and groaned. "I don't haff time for thees," he muttered, grumpily climbing to his feet. He hated being interrupted, being questioned, all that. Why did people have to be so damn nosy, everywhere he went?

He glared at her. She said something else about words, inexpressible meanings, something about a homeland, and other general things that he wasn't listening to and instead, he waved his hand at her dismissively. Move on, move on. Nikolai, in his swirling little crusade of thoughts, focused more on how the dark-winged bird was staring at him and how the beast wanted to pop its pretty little head off and throw its body to the mother sea. Clearly, he didn't like birds, but he didn't much care for the background of the wolf or where she came from, either. He didn't care about people, he cared about nature and the sea and cartography. While she was talking, he did take a moment to look at her pelt and furrow his brows, briefly wondering if she'd been a part of some sort of sacrificial tribal ritual or offering to the gods or whatnot, but his mind ceased wandering when his name suddenly came up. She smiled, though, and he folded his arms.

"If you know of my 'preoccupation', then vhy you ask vhy I yahm heere again and again?" He snorted, tipping his nose to her. God, she talked too much. It felt like ages since he'd said something last. "Maybe you stop talkink, can heear vhat I yahm sayink. I come to draw map of pretty little pack, and then I go. It is vhat I do. I do not hurt anybody, so they can leave me alone. I do not understand vhy pack make zsuch big deal about strangers. I do not hurt anybody!" He threw his arms up in the air enthusiastically, before collecting his papers and pencils and starting to shuffle away, still tossing his arms around in the air in frustration. "Vhy everybody get in my vay?! I do not vant to heear pack name again! I yahm leavink and pack stay off map!"


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