silver lining
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He was mildly surprised that he had not been received negatively, snapped at, or glared upon; of course, the wolf failed to show that alarm in his facial expression, and his duel-colored eyes watched the brightly-hued woman with slight intrigue. She had turned to him with something of a skeptical look on her face and replied sarcastically, but she was nothing like Cwmfen or any other members of the pack he'd already met. She had a haughtiness to her, carrying some sort of powerful presence in her tone and stature, and her eyes and voice were a piercing type. Nikolai wasn't quite intimidated, so much as he was mildly intrigued.

He sensed something extra in her voice, but chose not to comment upon it. "I vas not plannink on drinkink," he replied slowly, cautiously. He wasn't exactly on stranger-friendly territory, and as much as he was fond of the buzz and freedom of the drink, he knew better than to get himself wasted and vulnerable to strangers who didn't care much for his presence and harmless cartography. "You are strange person," Nikolai said matter-of-factly, scratching at his head. "Vhy you not yell at me like other pack member do? Bah," he said, suddenly dismissing the notion and waving his hand. It was at this point that he noticed she was pregnant, and surely enough, was somewhat turned off by it.

"Round," he muttered, staring at her stomach.


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