cramming the world into a (phrase)

indent Preaching would do nothing; Ahren knew that. He had known that above all else, having seen it from both of his parents. One saw the end of the world close at hand and the other imagined himself to be immortal. In the end, they both fell to his father’s hand. It was not fate, it was just something that happened. There was no reason to believe in fate; everything was as chaotic and beautiful as a musical composition or a car wreck.
indentSo they fell to silence, and Ahren found himself a stranger in a strange land. The earth did not change, but people did. Or, at the very least, he had failed to see people for what they were before and he had changed. It was a fundamental argument he could not win. Without another word, Ahren pushed off from the tree and began to walk away, leaving a faint trail of smoke in his wake.


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