
indent Gabriel turned his head so he could meet his brother’s eyes. They were just starting to show their true color—blood red, seeping out from the pupil. Children often bear their parent’s eyes; it was true for Gabriel, and it would be true for his brother as well. Mother and father could look out without being there. Perhaps one reason that eyes took after those people was so the wielder never had to see that part of them. “I don’t know,” he said shortly. He didn’t. He knew he would always be sad as long as God wasn’t in his heart, but he would not press religion on children yet.

indentThat question held twofold. He didn’t know the answer to that either. Still, he tried to explain. “People can’t get along. They see we’re different and they fear us or hate us for it. They think they’re better or we’re worse, or whatever. Even if a few are good, most of them are bad.” After a long pause, he spoke lowly. “Wolves killed my brother and sister. One nearly killed me.”


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