never close your eyes
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He'd been following the coastline as always, mesmerized by the ocean and its oh-so-wonderful beauty and awe as per normal, when his duel eyes had strayed and spotted a castle, looming over the sea and casting its disgraceful shadows over the crashing waves. Nikolai had immediately stopped, mid-step, to stare up at it at its distance, for a time wondering if he was seeing things--it had come out of nowhere, or so he thought. He'd only been in Canada a short time, and never before had he seen such a majestic structure. Briefly, he wasn't quite as disappointed in the land all of a sudden, but the feeling passed. Regardless of any castles, Canada was still boring. However, the mere sight of it sent a sudden chill to slide down his spine and shook his body in one, quick tremor of cold--rare, since the creature was never bothered by cold weather. Naturally, this intrigued him, and Nikolai was first to jump at anything intriguing. And so, that was how the duel-eyed idiot went romping up to a castle, wondering how it had gotten there.

There was a sort of aura to that building, although the Russian-born wolf was a skeptic and an atheist, hardly believing in anything supernatural whatsoever. There were no such things as ghosts, in his mind. Jogging on up to one of the open doorways, he stepped inside somewhat cautiously and glanced from side to side, tail waving back and forth. Surely, this castle would make a fine addition to one of his maps. Any creature would want to come see a castle, right? And... well, that's what maps were for. It could wait, though. "Hehllo," he called into the castle suddenly, grinning stupidly at the slight echo off the walls. He was still young, after all; barely a year in age. "I yahm not afraid ovf no ghosts," he declared, smirking a menacing simper as if daring the nonexistent spirits of the castle to attack.


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