never close your eyes
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I'm so sorry. x.x

This stranger was a dark-furred beast, with eyes that somewhat glowed and jumped out at him. His voice was an eerie one, monotone and unmoving, lacking any sort of fluctuation whatsoever and thus masking any hidden emotions or intentions beneath the surface. They said the eyes were the key to the soul--and thus Nikolai's attention was held there, the skeptical, Russian-born brute always poised for anything coming his way. That didn't include ghosts, of course, because Nikolai didn't much care for spooks and ghouls. Did he really believe in them? Well, he tried to tell himself he didn't, but the little ghost-boy that had followed his brother Luka for a majority of their time together as children spoke otherwise. To that day, the Russian was still unsure whether or not his brother had been serious or simply going crazy. It posed a challenge, anyway, and Nikolai liked challenges.

"Vhy not?" Nikolai straightened his back a little, curious as to why ghosts and spooks would be held in regard by the stranger opposite. The axe in his hand was discarded rather recklessly and the duel-eyed wolf felt some of the muscles in his shoulders relax as a result, although he had not even been aware how tense he had been. It seemed the dark-furred creature was amused by the Russian, but Nikolai chose to disregard and ignore such reactions. The last thing he wanted was to get pissed off. "They don't egg-zeest," he muttered, flashing a slight smirk before he began to step around the stranger and allow his path and eyes to wander from place to place. "My brother said had ghost friend. I theenk he vas crazy." A light chuckle. "Vhat name? I yahm Nikolai."


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