raw deal

From the inside of the mansion, the cold wind didn't get to her. Or maybe it really did in its own little ways through drafts and the like, but she didn't notice it. It didn't have as much of a bite to it, if at all. Corona was ascetic during the winter and purposely stayed holed up somewhere away from the ice and the snow most of the day, like that of a recluse. There were those who wandered in and out of the building, but she didn't notice them all of the time. She didn't always hear them, truthfully. For as vast and winding as the rooms were, there was much to do and she had been slowly tidying the rooms out of boredom. When she didn't do that, then maybe someone who crossed her path was worth engaging in conversation. If not that, reading.

But today she was quite taken with another part of the quiet building that was more of a library than the small one she had found on the ground floor. Floor to ceiling bookcases lined with dust. A few claw marks here or there across the hardcover spines, a globe where Africa had been punched in, and a chandelier that precariously hung onto what decent life it had left by half of its supporting chains. The window was caked with dirt and grime and cracked with age. In there, she could truly feel the chill of the outdoors; the wind blew against the window. Brushing a few blonde bangs out of her line of vision, Corona let out a sigh as she ventured into the room, blue eyes burning with a dim light as she started looking over the titles.

Seemed like reading was on the to do list today.


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