raw deal

The sound of footfalls in the old building usually didn't grasp her attention. She was used to hearing them but never seeing who they belonged to, but in any case it was hard to miss the sound of them drawing closer. Much too close to be someone in another part of the house and yet distant enough that perhaps they were above or beneath her. But as they drew closer, she lost interest in looking over the worn spines of the hardcover books and turned just in time to pick out someone wandering in. He deferred quietly and apologised, but lingered.

“My house is your house,” Corona said plainly, shrugging her shoulders as she drew in his intriguing appearance. Taller than she was, white and grey, peculiar eye colour and muzzle marking. A dye job. Whether or not he was just a free-thinker or just another yearling trying to be unique was beyond her, though she had to say he would have easily stood out in a crowd. She let out a breath and rested an arm against the bookcase to prop up her head as she continued speaking. “Nice to know someone else likes to read around here. Plus, you're new. What's your name?” He was young, so he probably had an interesting story to go with everything else… or so she figured. It was nice to have variety.


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