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should we wrap it up?

Purple eyes glared at him, head turning to face him as he let her go. Her body ached with as the sensation returned to where his teeth had been. This wasn’t how she liked to play, but then the Church girl had indeed started the mess. Of course her brother didn’t need to play so rough, and being smaller and more agile then she, use his advantage against her. A brother was there to protect her, like Haven did, not make her whine and want to run to their mothers. She looked fiercely at him, Fine her voice spat as she found her footing.

They would soon forget the fight, their young minds a constant revolving door of new experience and lessons. The pups would always have something bigger and better to tussle over and most of the time they spent together would be far calmer and kinder then this. But at the very moment, the child found no better words to express her feeling towards him. But then you’re a jerk! Brown paws tumbled beneath her, through snow and ice in hope of finding one of their mothers before he had the chance to tattle on her for such poor language.


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