Into the BLUE

Jefferson! On a particularly nice part of shattered coast…

It wasn’t a daily event, but even the most cautious of pups needed to venture on their own once in a while. Her brothers did so, even if they didn’t talk much about it why couldn't she? Of course there were the rumors she had heard about that spoke of the ocean. They said that it was a million times bigger then Rabbit Lake, and that the shore was just miles and miles of sand and rock. It would have had a lager impact on her in she had know how long a mile truly was, and how to count to a million.

Still there was a mystery that surrounded it, and it drew the pup out of her homeland and onto one of the well-worn trails that led her away from the protection of the boundaries. She knew to follow the scent of salt as soon as it touched her nose, and made her way though forest and then over rock until the scent drifted to her.

The cold day was absent of wind, making the sun’s presence worthwhile. It sent steams of heat down toward her, keeping any warmth she made under her thick chocolate coat. Of course she would only travel during the light hours of day, night being a far to scary time.

Her paws traveled over ice slicked rocks, until they gave way to long stings of dead tan colored grasses. Many were matted over by the snow, but still made for difficult travel. But she could hear it now, the crashing waves of high tide and the calls of the gulls that pecked at the sand. Growing tired, she sat among the sand dunes and sulked. Still unable to see the ocean waters she regained her strength before tackling the heavy sand, thick grasses and jagged rocks.


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