Into the BLUE
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Of course he did seem old, he had that scruffy tattered look that adults usually had. She wondered why they all seemed worn around the edges, even with gray around their eyes and noses. It must just be something that happened, the longer she lived the larger she seemed to get. It all made some sort of sense, though she didn’t mind leaving most of the explanation as a mystery. In her mind there would always be unanswered questions.

Her crown bobbed in a small nod, things were clearer now. He was small like she was big. An eye glanced at her oversized paw that sat happily beneath her. They were only getting bigger, while the rest of her body grew in length they grew in width. She watched him as he introduced himself. Names had always been a secondary notion to her, meeting many with out learning where they came from or what they were called. It was nice to know who he was so quickly; Mati might even take up asking names much earlier in the conversation from now on.

“I’m Mati Church. I lives in Crimson Dreams.” She smiled, proud to give say she was a Crimsonite. She had spoken slowly so that the words came out right. “My momma is the Comnander theres.” Her excitement only grew as she spoke, “And my ovher ones a Lieutenents Cornal. And I’ms a Pettsy Ofvicers.” Her speech began to dwindle the more she spoke, overly excited that she had finally learned all the ranks of the pack. Her tail whipped behind her, watching to see his reaction after he heard where she stood in the pecking order, oblivious to the idea that each pack had their own unique system.



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