Into the BLUE
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aaaand fade out!

Clearly, she was lost. For some reason, Jefferson could sympathize with that. He'd spent months--years!--wandering around completely clueless as to where he'd come from, who he was, or why he couldn't remember a thing of it all. Wandering like an idiot had not only lost him an eye and his memory at the same time (waking up brainless with blood pouring out of his head was an experience he'd thankfully not met a second time), but had also cost him his leg and plenty of blood through the dozens of scars littered throughout his body. Somehow he knew that wouldn't happen to the kid, but... well, at least the thought was there, somehow.

He rose to his feet slowly, yawning as he went. "All right, calm down. I'll bring you home." Jefferson cast his green eye side to side, hoping there wouldn't be any witnesses to his little soft spot. The last thing he needed was Phoenix Valley knowing that he'd gone soft. "Crimson Dreams, right? I know where it is, but I've never been. Guess it'll be a learning experience for both of us." He smiled down at the girl, then nodded his head in the desired direction. "Let's get going before it gets colder." That said, his limping began once more, and onward they moved.


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