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Character Name:Ril'o
Character Birthdate (including year): Dec 20 2006
Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci
Gender: Male
A secondary form of contact:AIM-dogdemon327
How did you learn/hear about 'Souls?: Cresent Howls
Sorry if my grammar is bad, I haven't role-played in a long time (MONTHS) but I’m always open to improvement. Ok well here it goes.

Leaping over the large bits of stone, a loud snap echoed through the woods when Ril`o landed. Slowing his pace, he walked quietly ,aside from the soft crushing of the snow. His body moved quietly among the trees, the stone pillars, and graves. This was the first time Ril`o has walked in days, an it was rather pleasant. His golden body shined with the bits of sunlight, as he weaved about the stones an up to the wire fence.
'hmm, it smells different here.'
Breathing a light puff of white appeared, the sun shined brightly in the large gap in the trees; the light filled a majority of the stoned valley, as the area beyond this fence. Ril`o’s ears twitched and rotated as he listened to everything. Lowering his nose, he sniffed with quick strong puffs at the fence. Something smelled different alright, but he is not sure if this is bad. Tail flicked to the side and back as Ril`o begun to walk along the fence, eyes narrow and looking for something.
"There. That spot will work."
This part of the fence was old, with a gap underneath, from weather or other animals. Stepping up to the place Ril`o studied the space, under the fence, the wire was old with sharp ends and jags. 'this’ll be tight'

Quickly dipping his head under the wire he felt it grip on, using his limbs he pushed and somewhat dug his way out. The fence pulled fur from his neck, along with a few small cuts hidden within his fur.
Ril`o pulled himself up, shacking the snow and dirt from his body; he felt content with himself, although he did loss a small about of fur from his neck. His golden fur shifted with the small winds, it would carry his scent to whom lived within this land. Stepping lightly, he looked at the large statue of the woman; walking up to its side, Ril`o reclined on his hind legs into a sit.
'Man, I’m so tired.”


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