No more words


i guess end here if you want? Ril'o seems to like Cer in a cute way.

Excitement begun to boil inside Ril’o, it was hard for the good hearted male to ease his thumping tail. He understood what Cer had said, but still he was excited for the moment. His large ears listened to her words taking them in to remember, that’s something he has learned to do; remember the things others tell him, and use that with his travels and experiences.
Yea, fully” Speaking smoothly his green eye watched hers in a delighted manner, they were full of life.
Ril’o knew she could still turn him away, but he was to far in his happiness of finding his unknown goal and meeting a company.
When the white female spoke of ranks it was hard for Ril’o to keep back a smile, only afterwards did a small smile appear. ‘you still want in?’ His insides screamed yes, but he couldn’t do that, surely not, for he would look like a hyped up fool. Ril’o’s head rose up while breathing deeply, nodding his head, all he could do was smile.
I would love nothing more, Cer.
Quickly standing up Ril’o’s tail swayed in the air, noticing the little amount of snow on him; shacking his golden body the snow flew away, when his front paw slipped. He quickly regained his footing before looking back at his leader, he had a leader now, a future, and many others to meet. Trotting beside the white female that his green eyes seemed to love, he had a big smile across his face.
Well, where to now Cer?” His voice was warm, strong, and with a sense of inviting as he stood there happily. Looking at everything he felt at home, or he will soon enough. “Oh, thank you ..” Looking back his voice wasn’t as strong but nonetheless kind.


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