An endless ring of light
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__Out of character speech.

Pepe wished there was more he could offer DaVinci. He wanted to comfort the other man, but he hardly knew him yet. There would be a time for that, maybe if they grew close. Time would tell. For now, they had enough in common - their home and family. He was sure that was enough common ground to build a good foundation off of. The white man would make a better effort to talk to the hybrid man. They were both carrying quite a burden on their shoulders. It might be easier if they shared it.

"I really like it here," he said. "It isn't like I remember Storm being, and not what I expected. I mean, cows and everything. The cows really blow my mind. It was difficult at first not to chase them and have a snack," he said with a little grin. Pepe was doing better now though. He worked a lot with the herd and found that they had other uses besides just for meat. The milk wasn't bad. He was guilty of sneaking a few sips here and there.

"I'm trying to make this place home," he said. Having been without a home for seasons, he was having a tough time. Sometimes he woke up and didn't know where he was still. But things were becoming familiar and easier. "I'm in it for the long haul, though."


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