Screaming Hallelujah

     Gabriel had taken to training his son in Anselm’s presence. They had spent the morning on all fours, with Gabriel instructing him on using his speed over strength. This had not been faulty advice; his father was built like a wolf, and had more weight on him because of this. Several times over Zeke had hit the ground and been reeling, but by the end of it his aching muscles told him it was worth it. On top of that, any time with his father was valued. They had managed to take down a small doe when finished, using a combination of his father’s tactics and his bow and arrow, and eaten enough to counter the amount of energy they had burnt off.

     Now, with the bow and quiver of arrows around his back and a deer leg hooked over one arm, the coyote-hybrid was heading down to the shore. He had spotted the white figure against the shore, which was more windswept the any other part of the waste, and was glad for it. She was clearly involved in something, and he was smiling long before he reached her.
“Hey! I brought you some food. What are you working on?” He asked, closing the distance between them and swinging the leg down from his shoulder.


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