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     Had the color been able to fall out of his face, it would have. Instead, Ezekiel’s eyes widened to a nearly comical point. It was impossible for him to know his father had done his share of experimenting at this age, and the thought of Gabriel, all spitfire and stern as he was, catching him in such a compromising act scared him. If there was one thing he did not doubt, it was his father’s unpredictability. Gabriel had killed his own half-brother. His father was nothing less then dangerous.
     Sinking down into the chair, large ears folding back, he looked down at his feet and stared. The drug, still in his system, made everything seem just a little foggy. This was terrible, but it was funny, in some way. It was not until she mentioned the books that he looked up again and caught her eyes, and then remembered what he had been doing initially. “Oh! No, no, I really find it interesting. Fatin was teaching me about it while I stayed with them. I can’t do a lot, but I know basic stuff. See,” he put down everything and picked up the book he had been reading. “I was reading up on hypothermia. We never got to cover winter medicine since I left before then.”


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