All that time he was taking her for granted
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She was interested to find out more about Ezekiel and his family. He had wanted both of them to come back here to live, but she didn't know anybody from his family except for him and Gabriel. If there was more of them, then she definitely wanted to meet them all too. He had told her about many, many different coyotes and was hard to keep all of their names straight. "I hear'd about you...but just your name. But yes! I came back with Zeke because he said that he wanted to come and live here. I came from far away."

She got up out of the hole, holding onto the tooth with one hand. It was a really nice tooth, and she'd wash it off when she got to the mansion. Siobhan could feel a drop of wetness on her face and she wiped at it, smearing some of the mud across her forehead. "Wazzat in your mouth?" She questioned, hurrying along beside the older female. "It's smokin' like a fire"


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