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Minor powerplay here -- let me know if it isn't okay.

She didn't remember why she had gone outside, but the stinging cold made her quickly regret coming out in the first place. At first it hadn't been that bad, but as she wandered around in the territory, there were places and pockets where the wind seemed to bite harder than it needed to. And after a while of being annoyed by it, she was making a hasty retreat to the mansion to hole up again. Corona knew it wasn't totally healthy to duck out of view as best as she could, but she did it anyway. It went against everything that she had ever read or said to someone, but it didn't matter or seemingly apply to her. She didn't know if she was bottling grief or rage or simply both, but the things that churned and toiled on the other side of her seemingly expression-less face were worse than any storm.

But once in a while, the little distractions that life threw in were a much needed relief, especially if they came in the form of a voice too high to be anyone she knew and much too young to be anyone that she was aware of. When that little yowl hit the cold January air, her hand had just grasped the old brass doorknob. It was just enough to stop her dead in her tracks and make her debate whether or not she wanted to investigate the source of such a pitiful sound. It only took a second of debate before she gave in and turned around, leaving the hollow entryway at the door and back into the cold wind that stung her nose and eyes. She rounded on the side of the mansion that she came to first, not hindered by the tall grass that got in her way, but definitely on edge.

That sound could have been anything, she supposed. A small animal, a puppy, a cat, who really knew. What she didn't expect to find tangled in the mess of the dormant gardens was a coyote. Not just any sort of coyote, but a very young one. A frown bent her face in half as she cut the distance between them and hovered momentarily, deciding how best to free the youth from her thorny prison of sorts. Reaching down between the brambles, Corona ignored the pinpricks of the thorns as she pushed them aside to grab the puppy by the scruff and lifted her out. It wasn't the most graceful or pain-free way of getting things done as no doubt the thorns grabbed her, they grabbed the child, but once it was done, it was done. But Corona didn't put her down just yet, only turned her to look her over carefully.


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