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Zana wiggled slightly as the family member opened the mansion and was getting ready to sit her down on the flood. When her paws touched the surface of the walkway she squealed and turned small circles as Corona spoke, asking her confirmation on the name she'd given. Little Zana nodded as she tried to copy the way the lady had said it. "Lieko?" She furrowed her brows together because she knew she still hadn't grasp the way it had been spoken but she didn't continue echoing a mangling of the name, instead she sniffed about the entryway until Corona joined her at her own level.

Her lilac eyes blinked up at the lady as she asked her another question. Her ribbon wrapped tail instantly started to wag as she nodded excitedly. "Yes! can you.. pwease?" her little eyes begged as her small body quivered with the thought of searching the scary large house for her daddy. She was holding together so well, expecting to find the male around every corner but not falling into a pitiful sad excuse when she was met with nothing. She jumped up to her paws as she circled around Corona, too excited to keep still. "We look now?" she asked, hope building in those strange grey lavender orbs.

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